Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Viable Solution...................!!!

The escalating violence in Jammu in response to the land transfer controversy needs immediate attention before it escalates into a communal inferno.While the decision to transfer the land had provided much-needed fodder to secessionist forces in the Valley, the decision to revoke the earlier decision also provided the rightwing parties the fuel to whip up communal sentiments. What is alarming is the failure of the government to gauge the mood of the people on both sides of the communal fence. Having decided, the state government ought to have displayed the courage of conviction to stand by its decision. Now, It seems too late for the state/central to get its act together and to find a solution........ I once again reiterate my strong belief that only the Civil societies can reach to an acceptable solution or atleat a way out from the current Chaos...........!!!

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