Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Journey - inwards ........................!!!

I always connect with God on an extremely human level. My conversation with Him is quite informal rather than spiritual. In fact,I feel that the divine resides among human beings to intervene during crisis,So I enter into an informal discussion with Him and convey my innermost thoughts to Him — and hope that I can then see the right way, the moral path.This has nothing to do with any religious affiliation, nor with any symbol or location associated with any religion.To me, being an Indian is more important than any other identity.Strangely, we are selfish as we pray to God only when we are in trouble. We forget God in moments of joy or happiness.

Even during the Shivratri,a religious festival,people gossip and indulge in riotous festivity,forgetting that it is also an occasion for prayer and meditation.

Devotion does not need pomp and grandeur it comes from within. It dwells in our heart and soul, and has nothing to do with lavish and exorbitant offerings one might make publicly in front of a deity. A true devotee never disregards God. He or she can worship or pray to God no matter how busy one is.

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