Sunday, August 3, 2008


Hi Folks

Let me share the background of the problem with everybody before suggesting few remedies.

A forest is an area with a high density of trees. There are many definitions of a forest, based on various criteria.These plant communities cover approximately 9.4% of the Earth's surface (or 30% of total land area) and function as habitats for organisms, hydrologic flow modulators, and soil conservers, constituting one of the most important aspects of the Earth's biosphere. Historically, "forest" meant an uncultivated area legally set aside for hunting by feudal nobility, and these hunting forests were not necessarily wooded much if at all,however, as hunting forests did often include considerable areas of woodland, the word forest eventually came to mean wooded land more generally. A woodland is ecologically distinct from a forest.

In Kashmir.....There is a saying "Ann poshe tele yeli Vann poshe " ( Noorudin Noorani RAH),

The emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and other greenhouse gases (GHG) through human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels is causing global climate change, and the impact from these emissions is expected to expand in the future. The average temperature of the earth as a whole has increased 0.6°C over the past century. In addition, with the rise of average temperature in the world, it is expected that several phenomena such as the following will occur: A rise in sea level and resulting submersion of lowland and seaboard regions; a change of climate pattern such as heavy rainfall, flood, drought, and revolving storms (cyclone); an acceleration of desertification; influence on agriculture (such as the shift of the grain belt towards a higher latitude); and an effect on health and welfare (the expansion of tropical epidemics such as malaria and break bone fever [dengue]).It is important to give assistance to adaptation measures, which counter the harmful effects and damage caused by global warming. It is also important to improve energy efficiency and introduce renewable energy sources so as to accomplish the simultaneous pursuit of attaining economic growth and poverty reduction and reducing the GHG emissions. Furthermore, it is necessary to have adaptation measures such as the protection of coastal forests and rehabilitation of the coast, farming reforms, and ensuring water resources. These efforts against global warming could bring benefits such as the prevention of air pollution, protection of the natural environment, and improvement of agricultural productivity.

Forests fulfill a variety of functions. In addition to absorbing and fixing CO2 they prevent soil erosion; provide natural resources such as lumber, firewood, and charcoal; preserve ecosystems; and maintain watersheds. However, the world's forests continue to be degraded at serious levels.

The deforestation and forest degradation continue in developing countries, where population increases and poverty have led to over cutting and overgrazing as forests are converted to farmland, with desertification advancing in Asia and Africa. In addition, the degradation of forest resources is putting pressure on the living of local residents and is exacerbating poverty through destruction of the natural environment. In order to protect the environment, let’s adopt sustainable forest management, though it's little obsolete to adopt it, but if we understand the individual's contributions towards it, we’ll definitely percolate down to afforestation and the prevention of illegal logging. Afforestation reduces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and thus also contributes to the prevention of global warming.

Let all of us take a Vow that we’ll abstain from cutting any tree and furthermore plant a tree as and when we get a chance.

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