Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Different Stroke..........!!!

Alzheimer is not a normal part of Aging............It's more painful for the loved one's to cope with it...........

Mrs. Sahani is sitting on her favourite rocking chair ,looking down from her first floor verandah .Every morning she likes enjoying the view of her garden .The sunshine shining brightly on her roses,sunflowers, dahlias,bougenvelias, the garden looks like a riot of colors. Mr. Sahani was very fond of the garden and he used to collect rare plants. He is no more but , see, how the garden is glowing in all its splendour !


Its about 8:00 AM and she is waiting for Nina – her attendant . She is a very sweet girl ,she helps Mrs. Sahani with her daily chores .Its not that Mrs. Sahani can’t take care of herself ,but then she is now 75 yrs. ; and not getting any younger.Sometimes she seems to forget about ger bank documents ,electric or telephone bills .Nina takes care of all these and above all Mrs. Sahani feels really helpless when Nina is not around her.


‘Mrs. Sahani , you have a good news ! ‘

‘Oh, Nina , I was just thinking about you ! What good news ? ‘

‘ Your son,Akash, is coming from Australia with his family ; isn’t it great news !! He rang up few minutes back and told me to inform you . ‘

‘My son !! Nina , what are you talking about ? I don’t have any son!’

‘But , Mrs. Sahani .. ‘ Nina sounds confused

‘ No, no,there must be some mistake , or may be the person is an imposter ! Don’t you see in newspapers nowadays what sort of mishaps are happening ? ‘ Mrs. Sahani is sounding almost hysteric.

‘Ok , Mrs. Sahani , if you insist .. I will definitely try to contact the person and let him know about the misunderstanding ‘ Nina said timidly.

‘ Please do that , and let me know ‘, Mrs. Sahani sounds irritated.


Its around afternoon when Nina enters Mrs. Sahani’s room to give her medicine. She finds her fast asleep ,a book half open lying on her lap ; a childlike innocent ex-pression on her face ,a slight smile playing on her lips.

Nina looks down towards her mother and a sigh escapes her.

Mrs. Sahani , her mother, is suffering from Alzheimer for the last 5 years.

With each passing day , bits and pieces of information are getting erased from her memory.

Sometimes she can remember past incidents with clarity but fails to recognise her own children .

Sometimes she can remember the names of those rare flowers her husband planted ………… but she can’t remember names of her own children .

Her only son , Akash , sounds unfamiliar or even an imposter to her .

Her only daughter , Nina, is an attendant to her .

Nina feels helpless , witnessing her mother’s slow decay who was once so lively and charming.

Every day , she hopes for some miracle to happen ; she looks into her mother’s eyes and searches for that slight hint of recognition,that touch of love and affection for her only daughter.; may be for once she will call her , ‘Nina , my child !’

Every day she pray's silently

‘ Please God, let there be light once ……before its too late ............‘

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