Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The Bangladeshi-origin writer now forced to hold a Swedish passport due to cultural intolerance in the land of her birth, is back in India after a forced sojourn in Europe. Will her return to this country after five months once again throw the authorities in New Delhi and Kolkata into confusion and despair, as it had done not very long ago? Ms Nasreen’s experience of life in this country might have by now provided her with a true measure of the worth of India’s much-vaunted liberal values and its love of creativity and freedom. And yet she did not hesitate to return. Perhaps her oft-repeated articulation of the desire to live in Kolkata — the nearest thing to living in Dhaka in terms of linguistic and ethnic affinity, and the place she now wants to call home — is no sham.
Taslima Nasreen had left Bangladesh all those years ago after her writings, exposing the hypocrisies of the feudalistic and male-dominated clericalism in Islam, brought upon her the wrath of vested interests in a society where the religious and secular establishment work in tandem. In effect, she had to flee for her life.
Cracking under the pressure of votebank politics, the leading party of the Indian Left — to the chagrin of some of its allies — met that demand and on that day failed to live up to its espousal of secular values in the public space.
Her return must be giving sleepless nights to the Left leaders of West Bengal as she is back in India after Sweden exile. They must be getting panic attacks as Ms Nasreen's visa will expire on August 12. If she returns to Kolkata, then there are chances of protests against her. But I fail to comprehend why the Marxist leaders are scared of taking a stand. The West Bengal government is unable to control violent protests,and doesn't seems to be in any mood to take a stand.
All it can do is to send Ms Nasreen to an undisclosed location. The only permanent solution to this problem is that the Union government grant Ms Nasreen indian citizenship.........

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