Thursday, August 21, 2008

Let's Try .......................!!!

One of the comman site nowadays on any Traffic light across Delhi is a small child asking for a rupee or two, it really touches me and i wonder what could be the possible solution to this long lasting social problem in India. But i have never been able to think of a solution for this. Although i strongly feel that we should not promote this and fight out this evil, but then, are we prepeared to find out an alternative job/work/school option for these minor children? I dont think we are. We cant just blame the Goverment as they also have their own limitations and the worst part is even if the primary education is given to these children will that be enough for them to find a respectful job/standing in the society, in todays competative world where finding a job for an MBA is also difficult how can these poor children with almost no social/family/society backing can struggle out after the primary education. Higher education or professional education is not free and can also be not made free, because of the huge cost invloved in doing it, for which we are niether capable nor equipped with.

Then what can be done, i really dont have an answer ??? need your suggestions and views on this topic.

What I always try, is to give them whatever is possible from my side money/eatable/cloth i mean anything which can bring SMILE on their face,but i also have my limitations & at times I too feel handicapped.I think we should always contribute in one way or the other for this social problem. Just imagine how helpless these children are ... the way they look at us and the condition they are in... on one of us would like this to happen to anyone we know.

Remember an old urdu saying .....

ghar se masjid hai bahut door, chalo ye kar lein,
ek roote hue bache ko hansaya jai....

Feeding a hungry person with a Fish is a temporary help,but teaching him the art of Fishing is a help forever..............Let's make a sincere effort............!!!

Pls contribute for a better tommorow ...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Life's grammer..........!!!

Life’s Little Instruction Book.................!!!

1. Believe in love at first sight.

2. Never laugh at anyone’s dream.

3. Overpay good baby sitters. Never refuse jury duty. It is your civic responsibility, and you’ll learn a lot.

4. Accept a breath mint if someone offers you one.

5. When you feel terrific , notify your face.

6. Love deeply and passionately . You might get hurt, but it’s the only way to live life completely.

7. Never apologize for being early for an appointment.

8. Open the car door for your wife and always help her with her coat.

9. Discipline with a gentle hand.

10. When reconvening after a conference break, choose a chair in a differenrt part of the room.

11. Strive for perfection , but settle for excellence.

12. Rake a big pile of leaves every fall and jump in it with someone you love.

13. Volunteer. Sometimes the jobs no one wants conceal by opportunities.

14. Never drive while holdign a cup of hot coffee between your knees.

15. For peace of mind, make decisions in CONCERT WITH your values.

16. Use a travel agent. It costs no more and saves time and efforts.

17. Have a professional photo of yourself made. Update it every three years.

18. Choose a high deductible when buying insurance.

19. Never miss an opportunity to have someone rub your back.

20. Don’t judge what you don’t understand.

21. Sign all warranty cards and mail them in promptly.

22. When you know some one has gone to a lot of trouble to get really dressed up, always tell them “You look terrific.”

23. Create a little signal only so that your wife knows that you can show her your love across a crowded room.

24. Never be the first to break a famity tradition.

25. Take your wallet with you when trying on new trousers and you need to leave the dressing room.

26. Keep a diary of your accomplishments at work. Then when you ask for a raise, you’ll have the information you need to back it up.

27. Never sign contracts with blank spaces.

28. Drive as you wish your kids would. Never speed or drive recklessly with children in the car.

29. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

30. Never take the last piece of fried chicken.

31. Ask about a store’s return policy when you purchase an item that costs more than $ 50.

32. When you go to borrow money , dress as if you have plenty of it.

33. Remember that everyone is influenced by kindness.

34. Don’t judge people by their relatives.

35. Eat a peace of chocolate to cure bad breath from onions or garlic.

36. Seize every opportunity for additional training in your job.

37. When travelling , leave the good jewelry at home.

38. Put your adress inside your luggage as well as on outside.

39. Never give your credit card number over the phone if you didn’t place the call.

40. Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something.

41. check hotel bills carefully, especially the charges for local and long distance calls.

42. Talk slow but think quick.

43. When someone asks you a question and you don’t want to answer , smile and ask, “Why do you want to know ?”

44. Don’t admire people for their welath but for the creative and generous way they put it to use.

45. Take along two big safety pins when you travel so that you can pin the drapes shut in your motel room.

46. Never betray a confidence.

47. Never claim a victory prematurely.

48. Never leave the kitchen when something’s boiling on the stove.

49. Say “Bless You” when you hear someone sneeze.

50. Make the punishment fit the crime.

51. Remember that just the moment you say, “ I give up” , someone else seeing the same situation is saying , “ My, what a great opportunity.”

52. Tour the main branch of the public library on Fifth Avenue the next time you are in New York City. Unforgettable.

53. Don’t tell the ending of good movies and books.

54. Don’t let your family get so busy that you don’t sit down to at least one meal a day together.

55. Remember the three R’s : Respect for self, Respect for others , Responsibility for all your actions.

56. Carry your own alarm clock when travelling. Hotel wake-up calls are sometimes unreliable.

57. When you loose, do not loose the lesson.

58. Keep the torch light on until all the family is in for the light.

59. Use your past successes as a trampoline , not an easy chair.

60. Take along a small gift for the host or hostess when you are a dinner guest. A book is a good choice.

61. Don’t overlook life’s small joys while searching for the big ones.

62. Keep a well-stocked first-aid kit in your car and at your home.

63. Never be photographed with a cocktail glass in your hand.

64. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great frienship.

65. Don’t marry a woman who picks at her food.

66. Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.

67. Pack a compass, the nature company’s pocket survival tool when hiking in unfamiliar territory.

68. Read a book about beekeeping.

69. When lost or in distress, signal in “threes” --- Three shouts, Three gunshots or Three horn blast.

70. Don’t be surprised to discover that luck favors those who are prepared.

71. When asked to play the piano, do it without complaining or making excuses.

72. Don’t knock the competition.

73. Don’t expect your love alone to make a neat person out of a messy one.

74. Take off the convention badge as soon as you leave the convention hall.

75. Look for ways to make your boss look good.

76. Every so often, invite the person in line behind you to go ahead of you.

77. Carry a small pocket knife.

78. Remember that the person who steals an egg will steal chicken.

79. Meet regularly with someone who holds wastly different views than you.

80. Don’t go looking for trouble.

81. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

82. Be the first to fight for a just cause.

83. When you have a choice of two exciting things, choose the one you haven’t tried.

84. Remember that no time spent with your child is ever wasted.

85. Remember that no time is ever wasted that makes two people better friends.

86. Avoid approaching horses and restaurants from the rear.

87. There are people who will always come up with reasons why you can’t do what you want to do. Ignore them.

88. When someone has rendered a service for you and doesn’t know what to charge ask,

“ What do you think is fair ?”

89. If you need to bring in a business partner, make sure your partner brings alone some money.

90. Never say anything uncomplimentary about another person’s dog.

91. If you have trouble with a company’s products or services , go to the top. Write the president, then follow up with a phone call.

92. Don’t ride in a car if the driver has been drinking.

93. Remember the ABC’s of success : Ability, Breaks, Courage.

94. Think twice before accepting the lowest bid.

95. Never miss a chance to dance with your wife.

96. Don’t do nothing because you feel you can only do a little. DO what you can.

97. When uncertain what to wear, a ble blazer , worn with gray wool slacks, a white shirt, and a red and blue striped silk tie , is almost always appropriate.

98. When boarding a bus , Say “Hello” to the driver. Say “thank You” when you get off.

99. Write a short note inside the front cover when giving a book as a gift.

100. Never give a gift that is not beautifully wrapped.

101. Make the rules for your childrens clear, fair and consistent.

102. Don’t think expensive equipment will make up for lack of talent or practice.

103. Learn to say “I Love You” in French, Italian and Swedish.

104. Be willing to lower your price in order to get something else of greater value.

105. Memorize your favourite love poem.

106. Ask anyone giving you direction to repeat them at least twice.

107. When you are totally exhausted but have to keep going , wash your face and hands and put on clean socks and a clean shirt . You will feel remarkably refreshed.

108. Make allowances for your friends’ imperfections as readily as you do for your own.

109. Steer clear of any place with a “Ladies Welcome” sign in the window.

110. When you realize you’ve made a mistake ,take immediate steps to correct it.

111. Be ruthlessly realistic when it comes to your finances.

112. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

113. Set high goals for your employees and help them attain them.

114. Pay your bills on time. If you can’t , write your creditors a letter describing your situation. Send them something every month, evenif it’s only five hundred rupees.

115. Do your homework and know your facts, but remember it’s passion that persuades.

116. Don’t waste time trying to appreciate music you dislike. Spend the time with music you love.

117. Always put something in the collection plate.

118. When concluding a business deal and the other person suggests working out the details later , say “ I understand but I would like to settle the entire matter right now..” Don’t move from the table until you do.

119. Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable giving your two best friends a key to your house. If not, look for some new best friends.

120. Do the right thing , regardless of what others think.

121. Wear a shirt and tie to job interviews, even for a job unloading boxcars.

122. Judge people from where they stand, not from where you stand.

123. When shaking a womans hand, squeeze it no harder then she squeezes yours.

124. Be open and accessible. The next person you meet could be your best friend.

125. Never wash a car, mow a yard or select a christmas tree after dark.

126. Life will sometimes hand you a magical moment. Savor it.

127. Don’t eat a meal just before giving a speech.

128. Set aside your dreams for your children and help them attain their own dreams.

129. Dress a little better than your clients but not as well as your boss.

130. Take the stairs when it’s four flights or less.

131. Never threaten if you don’t intend to back it up.

132. Learn to save on even the most modest salary. If you do, you’re almost assured of financial success.

133. Buy a used car with the same caution a naked man uses to climb a barbed-wire fence.

134. Hold yourself to the highest standards.

135. Buy the big bottle of Tabasco.

136. Don’t confuse comfort with happiness.

137. Don’t confuse wealth with success.

138. Be the first to forgive.

139. When talking to your doctor, don’t let him or her interrupt or end the sesson early. It’s your body and your money. Stay untill all your questions are answered to your satisfaction.

140. Whenever you take something back for an exchange or refund, wear a coat and tie.

141. Check for toilet paper before sitting down.

142. If you work for an organisation that makes it’s decisions by committee, make sure you are on the committee.

143. Don’t stop the parade to pick up a dime.

144. Make a habit of readiing something inspiring and cheerful just before going to sleep.

145. Marry a woman you love to talk to. As you get older, her conversational skills will be as important as any other.

146. Turn enemies into friends by doing something nice for them.

147. Don’t’ allow your dog to bark and disturb the neighbours.

148. Be as friendly to the janitor as you are to the chairman of the board.

149. Never buy anything electrical at a flea market.

150. Remember that a person who is foolish with money is foolish in other ways too.

151. If you want to do something and you feel in your bones that it’d the right thing to do, do it. Intuition id often as important as the facts.

152. Don’t cut corners.

153. Learn to bake bread.

154. Everyone loves praise. Look hard for ways to give it to them.

155. Spend some time alone.

156. Be an original. If that means being a little eccentric, so be it.

157. Everybody deserves a birthday cake. Never celebrate a birthday without one.

158. Pay as much attention to the things that are working positively in your life as you do to those that are giving you trouble.

159. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.

160. When it comes to worrying or painting apicture, know when to stop.

161. Don’t expect anyone to know what you want for Christmas if you don’t tell them.

162. Before taking a long trip, fill your tank and empty your bladder.

163. Ask for double prints when you have film processed. Send the extras to the people in the photos.

164. When taking a woman home, make sure she is safely inside her house before you leave.

165. Live with your new pet several days before you name it. The right name wil come to you.

166. Every year celebrate the day you and your wife had your first date.

167. Treat your employees with the same respect you give your clients.

168. Slow down. I mean really slow down in school zones.

169. Allow your children to face the consequences of their actions.

170. Be quick to take an advantage of an advantage.

171. Don’t expect the best gifts to come wrapped in pretty paper.

172. You may be fortune and make a lot of money. But be sure your work involves something that enriches your spirit as well as your bank account.

173. When a good man or woman runs for political office, support him or her with your time and money.

174. When you need professional advice, get it from professionals, not from your friends.

175. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

176. Don’t buy a cheap mattress.

177. Don’t think you can relax your way to happiness. Happiness comes as a result of doing.

178. Don’t dismiss a good idea simply because you don’t like the source.

179. Send a poor child to summer camp.

180. Choose a church that sings joyful music.

181. What you must do, do cheerfully.

182. Don’t waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin and inspiration will find you.

183. Don’t believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

184. When you say,”I Love You”, mean it.

185. When you say, “I Am Sorry”, look the person in the eye.

186. Conduct yourself in such a way that your highschool would want you to addresss the grauating seniors.

187. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

188. Wig without boasting.

189. Loose without excuses.

190. Watch your attitude. It’s the first thing people notice about you.

191. Pack a light bathrobe on overnight trips. Take your pillow too.

192. Choose the apartment on the top floor.

193. Ask someone you’d like to know better to list five people he would most like to meet. It will tell you a lot about him.

194. Don’t be a person who says, “Ready, Fire, Aim.”

195. Don’t be a person who says, “Ready, Aim, Aim, Aim”.

196. Deadline are important. Meet them.

197. When you find someone doing small things well, put him or her in charge of bigger things.

198. Read more books.

199. Watch less TV.

200. Remember that a good price is not necessarily what an object is marked, but what it is worth to you.

201. When opportunity knocks, invite it to stay for dinner.

202. Remember that the more you know the less you fear.

203. When a waitress or waiter provides exceptional service, leave a generous tip plus a short note like, “Thanks for your wondereful service. You made our meal a sepcial experience.”

204. Remove your sunglasses when you talk to someone.

205. Buy three best selling children’s books. Read them and then give them to a youngster.

206. Introduce yourself to your neighbours as soon as you move into a new neighbourhood.

207. When a friend or loved one becomes ill, remember that hope and positive thinking are strong medicines.

208. When you find something you really want, don’t let a few rupees keep you from getting it.

209. Be your children’s best teacher and coach.

210. Some things need doing better than they’ve ever been done before. Some just need doing.Others don’t need doing at all. Know which is which.

211. Buy ladders, extension cords and garden hoses longr than you think you’ll need.

212. Don’t confuse mere inconveniences with real problems.

213. When asked to pray in public, be quick about it.

214. Show extra respect for people whose jobs put dirt under their fingernails.

215. Rememebr that a good example is the best sermon.

216. Hold your child’s hand every chance you get. The time will come all too soon when he or she won’t let you.

217. When you carve the Thanksgiving turkey, give the first piece to the person who prepared it.

218. Live a good, honorable life. then when you get older and think back, you’ll get to enjoy it a second time.

219. Wipe off the sticky honey jar before putting it back on the self.

220. Purchase one piece of original art each year, even if it’s just a small oil painting by a high school student.

221. Volunteer to help a few hours a month working in a soup kitchen.

222. Learn to juggle.

223. Don’t think people at the top of their professions have all the answers. They don’t.

224. Reduce your use of cups, plates and containers made of styrofoam.

225. Get organised. Know where you are headed. But if something wonderful and unexpected comes along , be flexible enough to follow it.

226. Get a car with a sun roof.

227. Don’t carry expensive luggage. It’s a tip-off to thieves that expensive items may be inside.

228. When travelling by plane , don’t pack valuables or important papers in your suitcase. Carry them on board with you.

229. Keep your private thoughts private.

230. Put your jacket around your girlfriend on a chilly evening.

231. Once every couple of months enjoy a four-course meal- only eat each course at a different restaurant.

232. Introduce yourself to someone you would like to meet by smiling and saying, “My name is ………... I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you.”

233. Be humble and polite, but don’t let anyone push you around.

234. Put the strap around your neck before looking through binoculars.

235. Do 100 push-ups evevry day: 50 in morning and 50 in the evening.

236. creat a smokefree office and home.

237. Wrap a couple of thick rubber bands around your wallet when you’re fishing or hiking. This will prevent it from slipping out of your pocket.

238. Don’t expect bankers to come to your aid in a crunch.

239. Be advised that when negotiating, if you don’t get it in writing, you probably won’t get it.

240. don’t’ do business with anyone who has a history of suing people.

241. Every so often let your spirit of advanture triumph over your good sense.

242. Use a favourite picture of a loved ones as a bookmark.

243. Never lose your nerve, your temper, or your car keys.

244. Trust in god but lock your car.

245. Surprise an old friend with a phone call.

246. Get involved at your child’s school.

247. Champion your wife. Be her best friend and biggest fan.

248. Add to your children’s private library by giving them a hardback copy of one of the classics evevry birthday. Begin with their first birthday.

249. Carry a list of your wife’s important sizes in your wallet.

250. DOn’t open credit card bills on the weekend.

251. Mind the store. NO one cares about your business the way you do.

252. DOn’t say no until you’ve heard the whole story.

253. When you are a dinner guest, take a second helping if it’s offered, but never a third.

254. Never say anything uncomplimentary about your wife or children in the presence of others.

255. Before going to bed on Christmas Eve, join hands with your family and sing, ”Silent Night.”

256. DOn’t accept unacceptable behavior.

257. Never put the car in “Drive” until all passengers have buckled up.

258. When eating at a restaurant that features foreign food, don’t order anything you can fix at home.

259. Send your mother-in-law flowers on your wife’s birthday.

260. Write your pastor a note and tell him how much he means to you.

261. Write your favourite author a note of appreciation.

262. Apologize immediately when you lose your temper, especially to children.

263. Bye your fianncee the nicest diamond engagement ring you can afford.

264. WHen giving a speech, concentrate on what you can give the audience, not what you can get from them.

265. don’t’ be so concerned with your rights that you forget your manners.

266. WHen you are uncertain of what you should pay someone, ask, “ WHat do you think is fair?” You’ll almost always get a reasonable answer.

267. Don’t let weeds grow around your dreams.

268. When you know that someone has gone to a lot of trouble to get dressed up, tell them they look terrific !

269. A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. DO all you can to creat a tranquil, harmonious home.

270. When you tell a child to do something , don’t follow it with, “Okay ?” Ask instead, “ Do you understand ?”

271. Remember that almost everything looks better after a good night’s sleep.

272. Avoid using the word impacted unless you are describing wisdom teeth.

273. Use a camcorder to videotape the contents of your home for insurance purposes. don’t forget closets and drawers. Keep the tape in your bank safedeposit box.

274. When walking through a room, do one thing to make it more organized and beautiful.

275. Keep a separate shaving kit packed for travelling.

276. Remember that how you say something is as important as what you say.

277. Every week write short poem.

278. Read between the lines.

279. Get to garage sales early. The good stuff is usually gone by 8.00 A.M.

280. Stop and watch stonemasons at work.

281. Don’t’ judge a man’s wealth by how well he’s dressed , but by how well his wife is dressed.

282. When you see visitors taking pictures of each other, offer to take a picture of their group together.

283. In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.

284. Never apologize for extreme measures when defending your values, your health of your family’s safety.

285. Don’t think you can fill an emptiness in your heart with money.

286. Become famous for finishing important, difficult tasks.

287. Never sell your teddy bear, letter sweater, or high school yearbooks at a garage sale. You’ll regret it later.

288. Leave a quarter where a child can find it.

289. Don’t take good friends, good health or a good marriage for granted.

290. Place a note reading “ Your licence number has been reported to the police” on the windshield of a car illegally parked in a handicapped space.

291. Buy a new tie to wear to your wedding rehearsal dinner. Wear it only once. Keep it forever.

292. When you’re lost, admit it and ask for directions.

293. Never buy just one roll of toilet paper , one roll of film or one jar of peanut butter. Get two.

294. Do a good job because you want to, not because you have to. This puts you in charge instead of your boss.

295. Remember that the shortest way to get anywhere is to have good company travelling with you.

296. Never type a love letter. Use a fountain pen.

297. Never buy a chair or sofa without first sitting on it for several minutes.

298. Don’t be thin-skinned. Take criticism as well as praise with equal grace.

299. At the end of your days, be leaning forward --- not falling backwards.

300. Never eat liver at a restaurant. Some things should be done only in the privacy of one’s home.

301. Keep impeccable tax records.

302. Clean out a different drawer in your house every week.

303. Share your knowledge. It’s a way TO ACHIEVE immortality.

304. Be gentle with the earth.

305. Don’t work for a company led by someone of questionable character.

306. When working with contractors, include a penalty clause in your contract for their non finishing on time.

307. Read bulletin boards at the grocery store, college bookstore and coin laundry . You wil find all sorts of interesting things there.

308. The next time you are standing next to a police officer, firefighter or paramedic, tell them that you appreciate what they do for the community.

309. Learn three knock-knock jokes so you will always be ready to entertain children.

310. Spend your time and energy creating, not criticizing.

311. Visit your old high school and introduce yourself to the principal. Ask if you can sit in on a couple of classes.

312. Respect sailboats, snowmobiles and motorcycles. They can teach you a painful lesson very fast.

313. Act with courtesy and fairness regardless of how others treat you. Don’t let them determine your response.

314. In a verbal confrontation , lower your voice to the degree that the other person raises his or hers.

315. Let your children see you do things for your wife that lets them know how much you love and treasure her.

316. Take photographs of every car you own. Later, these photos will trigger wonderful memories.

317. Don’t allow children to ride in the back of a pickup truck.

318. When you are a dinner guest at a restaurant , don’t order anything more expensive than your host does.

319. When someone offers to pay you now or latter, choose now.

320. DOn’t leave hair in the shower drain.

321. When travelling the backroads, stop whenever you see a sign that reads “Honey For Sale”.

322. Start every day with the most important thing you have to do so. Save the less important tasks later.

323. Think twice before deciding not to charge for your work. People often don’t value what they don’t pay for.

324. Don’t outlive your money.

325. Never grab at a falling knife.

326. Never take what you cannot use.

327. When there is a hill to climb, don’t think that waiting will make it smaller.

328. When your dog dies, frame its collar and put it above a window facing west.

329. When a garment label warns “Dry CLaen Only” , believe it.

330. Don’t eat any meat loaf but your mom’s.

331. Write the date and names of non-family members on the backs of all photos as soon a you get them back from the developer.

332. Help a child plant a small garden.

333. Pray. There is immeasurable power in it.

334. Don’t take 11 items to the 10 items Express check-Out Lane.

335. Don’t call a fishing rod a “Pole”, a line a “Rope”, a rifle a “Gun” or a ship a “Boat”.

336. At meetings , resist turning around to see who has just arrived late.

337. Don’t ride a bicycle or motorcycle barefooted.

338. Just because you earn a decent wage, don’t look down on those who don’t. To put things in perspective , consider what would happen to the public good if you didn’t do your job for 30 days. Next consider the consequences if sanitation workers didn’t do their jobs for 30 days. Now whose job is more important?”

339. Don’t purchase anything in a package that appears to have been opened.

340. Refuse to share personal and financial information unless you feel it is absolutely essential.

341. DOn’t do business with people who knock on your door and say, “ I just happened to be in the neighbourhood.”

342. Choose a business partner the way you choose a tennis partner. Select someone who’s strong where you are weak.

343. Sometimes realize how much I have developed and how easier it is to think that- with good will , integrity and competence – the goals I have set are not so difficult to achieve.

344. Call a nrusing home or retirement centre and ask for a list of the residents who seldom get mail or visitors. Send them a crad several times a year. Sign it, “Someone who thinks you are very special.”

345. Make duplicates of all important keys.

346. Read a lot when you are on vacation, but nothing that has to do with your business.

347. Put the knife in the jelly before putting it in the peanut butter when you make a sandwitch.

348. Never buy a house in a neighbour hood where you have to pay before pumping gas.

349. Remember that what’s right isn’t always popular and what’s popular isn’t always right.

350. Before buying a house or renting an apartment, check the water pressure by turning on the faucets and the shower and then flushing the toilet.

351. Overestimate travel time by 15 percent.

352. Properly fiitng shoes should feel good as soon as you try them on. Don’t believe the sales person who says, “They will be fine as soon as you break them in.”

353. Schedule your bachelor party at least two days before your wedding.

354. Get a haircut a week before the big interview.

355. Spend your life lifting people up, not putting people down.

356. Never interrupt when you are being flattered.

357. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

358. Don’t pick up after your children. That’s their job.

359. Own a cowboy hat.

360. Own a comfortable chair for reading.

361. Own a set of good kitchen knives.

362. In business or in life, don’t follow the wagon tracks too closely.

363. Brush your teeth before putting on your tie.

364. Never risk what you can’t afford to lose.

365. Mind your own business.

366. Don’t trust a woman who doesn’t close her eyes when you kiss her.

367. Never tell a man he’s losing his hair. He already knows.

368. Learn to use a needle and thread, a steam iron and an espresso machine.

369. Never say, “ My child would never do that.”

370. Once a year, go some place you’ve never been before.

371. Replace the batteries in smoke alarms every January first.

372. Never order chicken-fried steak in a place that doesn’t have a jukebox.

373. Remember that ignorance is expensive.

374. Keep candles and matches in the kitchen and bedroom in case of power failure.

375. If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That’s wealth’s greatest satisfaction.

376. Listen to your critics. They will keep you focused and innovative.

377. Never tell a person who is experiencing deep sorrow, “I know how you feel.” You don’t.

378. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of good luck.

379. Never say anything to a news reporter that you don’t want to see on the front page of your local paper. Comments made “of the record” seldom are.

380. Remember the old proverb, “Out of debt, out of danger.”

381. Don’t allow your dog to bark and disturb the neighbours.

382. when declaring your rights, don’t forget your responsibilities.

383. Remember that what you give will afford you more pleasure than what you get.

384. Display your street number prominently on your mailbox or house in case emergency vehicles need to find you.

385. Think twice before accepting a job that requires you to work in an office with no windows.

386. Remember that evevryone you meet wears an invisible sign. It reads, “Notice me. Make me feel important.”

387. Never hire someone you wouldn’t invite home to dinner.

388. Perform your job better than anyone else can. That’s the best job security I know.

389. When camping or hiking, never leave evidence that you were there.

390. Dress respectfully when attending mandir.

391. Never ask an accountant, lawer, or doctor professional questions in a social seating.

392. When someone has provided you with exceptional service, write a note to his or her boss.

393. If you’ve learned that a good friend is ill, don’t ask him about it. Let him tell you first.

394. For easier reading in motel rooms, pack your own 100- watt light bulb.

395. If you lend someone money, make sure his character exceeds the collateral.

396. Whether it’s life or a horse that throws you, get right back soon.

397. Be cautious telling people how contented and happy you are. Many will resent it.

398. Hang up if someone puts you on hold to take a “call waiting.”

399. Accept the fact that regardless of how many times you are right, you will sometimes be wrong.

400. Every once in a while ask yourself the question, “If money weren’t a consideration , what would I like to be doing ?”

401. Learn the rules. then break some.

402. No matter how old you get, hug and kiss your mother whenever you greet her.

403. Watch “The Andy Griffith Show” to help put things in perspective.

404. Put love notes in your child’s lunch box.

405. Encourage anyone who is trying to improve mentally, physically, or spiritually.

406. Remember that half the joy of achievement is in the anticipation.

407. Go ot rodeos.

408. Support the red Cross.

409. Challenge yourself. Aim high.

410. Be especially courteous and patient with older people.

411. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other.

412. when you need assstance, ask this way: “I have got a problem. I wonder if you would be kind enough to help me ?”

413. Get involve w ith your local government. As someone said, “Politics is too important to be left to the politicians.”

414. Visit friends and relatives when they are in the hospital; you need stay only a few minutes and see the effect of recovery of them after few days.

415. Never swap your integrity for money, power, or fame.

416. Never tell an off-color joke when ladies are present.

417. Never sell yourself short.

418. Fool someone on April 1st.

419. Never remind someone of a kindness or act of generosity you have shown him or her. Bestow a favor and then forget it.

420. Help your children set up their own savings and checking accounts by age 16.

421. Learn to play “Amazing Grace” on the piano.

422. Put on old clothes before you get out the paint brushes.

423. Never be ashamed of honest tears.

424. Never be ashamed of your patriotism.

425. Never be ashamed of laughter that’s too loud or singing that’s too joyful.

426. Always try the house dressing.

427. Don’t trust your memory; write it down.

428. When you get really angry, stick your hands in your pockets.

429. Do all you can to increase the salaries of good teachers.

430. At least once , date a woman with beautiful red hair.

431. Don’t think that sending a gift or flowers substitutes for your presence.

432. When visiting a small town at lunch time, choose the café on the square.

433. Remember that nothing really important ever happens until someone takes a chance.

434. Never ask a barber if you need a hair cut.

435. Truth is serious business. When CRITICIZINGS OTHERS, remember that a little goes a long way.

436. Never buy a piece of a jewelry that costs more than Rs. 5000 without doing a little haggling.

437. when your children are learning to play musical instruments, buy them good ones.

438. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

439. Never “borrow” so much as a pencil from your workplace.

440. Become a tourist for a day in your own hometown. Take a tour. See the sights

441. Don’t confuse foolishness with bravery.

442. Don’t mistake kindness for weakness.

443. Answer the easy question first.

444. Don’t discuss domestic problems at work.

445. A racehorse that consistently runs just a second faster than another horse is worth millions of dollars more. Be willing to give that extra effort that seperates the winner from the one in second place.

446. Create smoke-free office and home.

447. Let some things remain mysterious.

448. Never ignore evil.

449. Be especially courteous and patient with older people.

450. Remember this statement by Coach Lou Holtz, “Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it.”

451. Travel. See new places, but remember to take along an open mind.

452. Never get a tattoo.

453. Never eat a sugared doughnut when wearing a dark suit.

454. Call before dropping in on friends and family.

455. When you are away from home and hear church bells, thinks of someone who loves you.

456. When friends offer to help, let them.

457. Never decide to do nothing just because you can only do a little. Do what you can.

458. Acknowledge a gift, no matter how small.

459. Every now and then, bite off more than you can chew.

460. Remember that your character is your destiny.

461. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

462. Grind it out. Hanging on just one second longer than your competition makes you the winner.

463. Buy and use your customer’s products.

464. Be better prepared than you think you will need to be.

465. Buy a small, inexpensive camera. Take it with your evevrywhere.

466. Let your handshake be as binding as a signed contract.

467. Keep and file the best business letters you receive.

468. pay the extra Rs.500 for the best seats at a play or concert.

469. Give handout materials after your presentation, never before.

470. Never buy anyhting from a rude salesperson, no matter how much you want it.

471. Get a flu shot.

472. Worry makes for a hard pillow. When something’s troubling you, before going to sleep, jot down three things you can do the next day to help solve the problem.

473. Buy a red umbrella. It’s easier to find among all the black ones, and it adds a little color to rainy days.

474. Hire people more for their judgement than for their talents.

475. Love someone who doesn’t deserve it.

476. every so often, go where you can hear a wooden screen door slam shut.

477. when you mean no, sa it in a way that’s not ambigiuous.

478. TO insure a successful year, you must begin on January 1.

479. Give children toys that are powered by their imagination, not by batteries.

480. Remember that your child’s character is like good soup. Both are homemade.

481. Never open a restaurant.

482. When you’re buying something that you only need to buy once, buy the best you can afford.

483. As soon as you get married, start saving for your children’s education.

484. Reject and condemn prejudice based on race, gender, religion, or age.

485. Choose a seat in the row next to the emergency exit when flying. You will get more leg room.

486. Remember that 80% of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.

487. You may dress unconventionally, but remember that the more strangely you dress, the better you have to be.

488. Life is short. Eat more pancakes and fewer rice cakes.

489. Be suspicious of a boss who schedules meetings instead of making decisions.

490. Carry three business cards in your wallet.

491. Regardless of the situation, react with class.

492. For emergencies, always have a quarter in your pocket and a Rs. 500 bill hidden in your wallet.

493. Don’t overfeed horses or brother-in-law.

494. Be able to hit consistently four oput of five at the free-throw line.

Become the kind of person who brightens a room just by entering it.

-------------------------------FOLLOW WISELY------------------------------

What a day for india............!!!

What a day and night it turned out to be for India! History was created twice over on a single day —Wrestler Sushil Kumar and pugilist Vijender Kumar did India proud on Wednesday.
Sushil Kumar,25 year old,Delhi boy became only the second wrestler to win an Olympic medal, after Khashba Dadasaheb Jhadav’s bronze at Helsinki in 1952. It has taken 56 years for an Indian wrestler to beak the jinx and Vijender’s( Bhiwani boy ) assuring himself of at least a bronze to give the country a record three medals for the first time ever.
India had won two Olympic medals in the 1952 Helsinki Games when the hockey team had won the gold medal and wrestler K D Jadhav had won a bronze medal, a record which had stood for 56 long years.
Another medal contender pugilist Jitender Kumar losing his quarter-final bout despite a valiant effort in the ring.Jitender faltered when it mattered the most and missed the Olympic medal by a whisker, losing his quarterfinal bout in the 51 kg event.Jitender, who entered the ring with 10 stitches on his chin necessitated by a cut he had received in his previous match, threw everything at his experienced Russian rival Georgy Balakshin but the European champion maintained his superiority throughout.

Journey - inwards ........................!!!

I always connect with God on an extremely human level. My conversation with Him is quite informal rather than spiritual. In fact,I feel that the divine resides among human beings to intervene during crisis,So I enter into an informal discussion with Him and convey my innermost thoughts to Him — and hope that I can then see the right way, the moral path.This has nothing to do with any religious affiliation, nor with any symbol or location associated with any religion.To me, being an Indian is more important than any other identity.Strangely, we are selfish as we pray to God only when we are in trouble. We forget God in moments of joy or happiness.

Even during the Shivratri,a religious festival,people gossip and indulge in riotous festivity,forgetting that it is also an occasion for prayer and meditation.

Devotion does not need pomp and grandeur it comes from within. It dwells in our heart and soul, and has nothing to do with lavish and exorbitant offerings one might make publicly in front of a deity. A true devotee never disregards God. He or she can worship or pray to God no matter how busy one is.
Will China respond to Tibet’s peace deal.................?
The Chinese leadership and the Tibetan government in exile have discussed a possible visit by the Dalai Lama to China. This represents an important change in China’s position. The Dalai Lama will, however, continue to advocate for Tibet being given some form of self-rule and he is likely to object to efforts by the Chinese government to wipe out Tibetan culture. Everything depends on whether the Chinese government accepts his reported offer that his return to Tibet takes place "without preconditions".


Who is Answerable...................!!!
In a right to information query it was revealed that in the past two-and-a-half years,around 49 babies have died at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (49 babies die at AIIMS in clinical trails, August 18).However,the AIIMS authorities have failed to come up with an explanation.This is not expected from one of the most reputed medical institutes of the country.I think an enquiry should be initiated to find out the actual reason behind the death of the infants.People from all over India come to AIIMS for treatment and this startling fact will tarnish its image.


The Beijing Olympics will be remembered forever as a memorable chapter in Olympic history, written by Michael Phelps, who has won eight gold medals. No one believed that Mark Spitz’s seven golds at the 1972 Munich Olympics could be bettered but Phelps has done it, and done it with such grace. Phelps will be remembered as the greatest Olympian. If Phelps participates in London Olympics 2012, he will surely be able silence his critics.A consistent winner, his determined efforts to break the world record has made him the greatest Olympian. India can certainly take a leaf from the success stories of Phelps and other Olympians.I hope his dedication to his sport acts as an inspiration for budding sportsmen.It’s an entirely different story for Indians.
Sports people need money. That’s it. Either government agencies step in and provide the requisite funds, or fat cat sponsors cough up. Unless there is a richie rich father on the scene, like in Abhinav’s case. Without funds, an athlete is nowhere. Had Abhinav’s family not had the resources to see him through the intensive rehabilitation programme, Abhinav would have been yet another promising shooter whose career goes nowhere due to a lack of funds. Such a common story in India. Not just that. Besides supporting him financially all the way, his parents had allowed him to drop out of college and acquire a degree through a correspondence course. This sort of a long-distance education is something most Indian parents are suspicious about. And we know just how important that meaningless, mandatory degree is to most desis.
How many parents are either as enlightened or as wealthy as the Bindras? Most middle-class folk think of sports as an "extra-curricular" activity. Something kids are supposed to indulge in on the side once they are done with their excruciatingly tedious studies. Is it a coincidence that most of our world-class athletes (forget cricketers, who are in a league of their own), come from affluent backgrounds. Vishwanathan Anand, the snooker players and golfers, the tennis, badminton and squash players? Abhinav Bindra has come up entirely on his own. Nobody can claim a piece of this particular action. It is Bindra’s individual victory. And officials who try and cash in on it should be told to butt out. Where were they when Bindra needed them the most? Partying at tax payers’ expense in distant foreign locales, pretending to be on study tours? Sports remain a very low priority in India. That’s the sad fact of life. Supermodel Madhu Sapre was mocked for saying she would construct many stadia in India and make sports an integral part of students’ lives during an international beauty pageant. This was at a time when contestants were not supposed to go beyond declaring their desire to work for Mother Teresa. Popular opinion suggested her frank answer had cost her the crown!

Winners attract big bucks. It is already being said that Bindra will outstrip Dhoni in the celebrity endorsement stakes. Astronomical prices are being quoted even as canny advertisers rush to "congratulate" Goldfinger by issuing front-page ads in leading dailies. When it comes to riding on a champion’s success, we are brilliant at it. Now, everyone even remotely connected to Bindra will claim a special relationship. Absurdly enough, Milkha Singh has demanded a Bharat Ratna for Abhinav! Can we please calm down a little? Agreed, a gold medal is a gold medal. But if Bindra deserves India’s highest civilian award, what should Michael Phelps have got for his seven golds? The White House??? Perspective, darlings, perspective! Meanwhile, his doting dad has announced a gift — a spanking Rs 200 crore hotel for his victorious son.

After Mushrraf.............!!!

After Pervez Musharraf’s exit, Pakistan’s tumultuous history has taken another curious turn towards uncertainty.Pakistan, under the leadership of Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif,does not exude or give reason for much confidence given their divisive, chequered and somewhat unsavoury past.United only in their effort to impeach Musharraf,it will be of great interest to see how they take their country forward now that their common enemy is well on his way out.Whether they can sink their differences and set a new political course for Pakistan is keenly awaited and equally doubted.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Walking is Life.......................!!!

Walk for a long life
In today’s time when most of us are leading unhealthy lifestyles, and fighting diseases such as inadequate sleep, eating disorders, lack of regular exercise, obesity and other health diseases, a simple walk can do wonders by shooting down stress levels and keeping the body healthy.
In other words, we all are so engrossed in our everyday life and pampered by technology that we have virtually stopped paying attention to the benefits simple walking can bring our way. It’s safe, simple, doesn’t require practice, and the health benefits are many.
Brisk walking not only helps you lose weight but keeps you happy. When one walks, the endorphin levels in the body rise, which controls the mood of a person and keeps him in a good frame of mind.Facts reveal that walking does not only slim fat bellies, but also reduces the risk of a heart attack, manages your diabetes, keeps you happy and active and helps relieving stress at the same time.
It’s called Green colour therapy in science. It means that when people go for walks, it brings them closer to the greenery around them, and the colour helps in healing you mentally and physically.

* Start walking slowly. At first, walk only as far as you can.
* Wear properly fitted shoes.
* Wear walking shoes and comfortable, protective clothing.
* Walk briskly. You will soon gain the stride and rhythm natural for your height and weight.
* Don’t walk in extremely hot or cold weather.
* Avoid walking immediately after meals.


Who says Bollywood stars are an insulated lot...................?
Not their fans at least.....................
Ever since the baap of all actors, Amitabh Bachchan publicly announced that he has started blogging on, his blog is inundated with messages from thousands of fans. Bloggers have found the perfect medium to bridge the gap and stay tuned into updates on their favourite icons’ lives. Fans believe this is an intimate form of communication, almost like an entry into the star’s inner world.
No wonder star blogs have become hopelessly addictive. Be it or (Karan Johar) or (Salman Khan), or (Ram, Gopal Varma)…Bollywood personalities are hooked to this medium as they find it a personal canvas to vent their emotions and express their opinions. Amitabh Bachchan, who is currently on his Unforgettable tour in the US, has been blogging at all odd hours practically every single day. Sometimes his entries are short and crisp and he’s instantly apologetic about the lack of time.
There are other days where he finds it hard to conceal his elation at the response to the tour. His childlike glee is evident in an excerpt from his blog:

What an audience! What a show! What response! Simply incredible!
My chest still whirs, my nose still runs and my voice seems to be coming from some other sound box, but I just do not care. Last night took care of everything. Your prayers and good wishes took care of me and I am eternally grateful.

Sports & Corruption............!!!

India's Ace Weightlifter Monika Devi is the latest Victim of the Corruption & the Nepotism prevailing in the SAI (Sports Authority of India).....................

Sports minister M.S. Gill has asked former chief election commissioner T.S. Krishnamurthy to investigate the the dope testing controversy surrounding weightlifter Monika Devi.
Questions is about her dope testing and the timing and release of the reports, which led to her not being sent to Beijing Olympics.

Gill termed it as an "unfortunate incident" and decided to appoint an immediate inquiry under Krishnamurthy to go into "all aspects of this matter immediately so as to bring out the precise truth".Krishnamurthy has been given a week to submit his report.
Monika was stopped from going to Beijing on August 6 at the eleventh hour after she tested positive for banned substance.
Three days later she was cleared of any wrongdoing by the Sports Authority of India, but the relief came too late for her to participate in the Olympics.

Please try to make the selection and participation of the Sportsperson more transparent and streamlined.Let them not waste all there enthusiasm and energy in just making it sure to be a part of the Contingent..................



Kashmir has produced many saints, poets and mystics. Among them, Lal Ded is very prominent. In Kashmir, some people consider her a poet, some consider her a holywoman and some consider her a sufi, a yogi, or a devotee of Shiva. Sume even consider her an avtar. But every Kashmiri considers her a wise woman. Every Kashmiri has some sayings of Lalla on the tip of his tongue. The Kashmiri language is full of her sayings.
Kashmiri Hindus and Muslims affectionately call her "Mother Lalla" or "Granny Lalla". She is also called "Lallayogeshwari". Some people call her Lalla, the mystic.
It is said that Lal Ded was born in 1355 in Pandrethan to a Kashmiri Pandit family. Even as a child, Lalla was wise and religious-minded. When Lalla was twelve years old, she was married. Her in-laws lived in Pampur. The in-laws gave her the name Padmavati. Her mother-in-law was very cruel. She never gave her any peace. It is claimed that her mother-in-law used to put a stone on Lalla's plate (tha:l). She would then cover the stone with rice so that people would get the impression that Lalla had a plateful of rice. Lalla would remain half fed, but would never complain about her mother-in-law. Her father-in-law was a good man and he was kind to her, but her mother-in-law made her miserable. She would even speak ill of Lalla to her husband. Poor Lalla knew no happiness either with her husband or with her mother-in-law.
When Lalla was twenty-six she renounced the family and became a devotee of Shiva. Like a mad person, she would go around naked.
She became a disciple of Sidh Srikanth. She would only keep the company of sadhus and pi:rs. She did not think in terms of men and women. She would claim that she had yet to encounter a man, and that is why she went about naked. But when she saw Shah Hamdan, she hid herself saying: "I saw a man, I saw a man."
Why is Lalla so famous in Kashmir? She was illiterate, but she was wise. Her sayings are full of wisdom. In these sayings, she dealt with everything from life, yoga, and God to dharma and a:tma:. Her riddles are on the lips of every Kashmiri.
The exact date of Lalla's death is not known. It is claimed that she died in Bijbehara (vejibro:r). People like Granny Lalla do not really die. Lal Ded is alive in her sayings and in the hearts of Kashmiris.

The sayings of Lalla number around two hundred...........

Five Sayings of Lal Ded:

By a way I came, but I went not by the way.
While I was yet on the midst of the embankment
with its crazy bridges, the day failed for me.
I looked within my poke, and not a cowry came to hand
(or, atI, was there).
What shall I give for the ferry-fee?
..........................(Translated by G. Grierson)


Passionate, with longing in mine eyes,
Searching wide, and seeking nights and days,
Lo' I beheld the Truthful One, the Wise,
Here in mine own House to fill my gaze.
.........................(Translated by R.C. Temple)


Holy books will disappear, and then only the mystic formula will remain.
When the mystic formula departed, naught but mind was left.
When the mind disappeared naught was left anywhere,
And a voice became merged within the Void.
.........................(Translated by G. Grierson)


You are the heaven and You are the earth,
You are the day and You are the night,
You are all pervading air,
You are the sacred offering of rice and flowers and of water;
You are Yourself all in all,
What can I offer You?


With a thin rope of untwisted thread
Tow I ever my boat o'er the sea.
Will God hear the prayers that I have said?
Will he safely over carry me?
Water in a cup of unbaked clay,
Whirling and wasting, my dizzy soul
Slowly is filling to melt away.
Oh, how fain would I reach my goal.
.......................(Translated by R.C. Temple)

Graceful Exit.............!!!

Senior players like Sachin Tendulkar, Anil Kumble, Sourav Ganguly and Rahul Dravid should now gracefully announce their retirement. No one doubts the iconic status that they have carved for themselves over the years, but it would be a sad day should they fall from grace in public perception because they insist in prolonging their careers, that too at the cost of denying youngsters. They should follow the examples of Brian Lara, Shane Warne and Glenn McGrath, who understood the importance of a graceful exit.

Terrorism and combat..............!!!

India does not need stringent laws to check terrorism. What we need is a substantial, sound and competent security system. But one cannot put all the blame on the security agencies as their hands are tied by the government. Often politicians use them for political vendetta. If India wants to prevent terrorist attacks in the future then the CBI, Research and Analysis Wing and Central Investigation Department should be free from all political control.Our police force should be provided with the latest technology and weaponry. However, I think the government should also encourage the concept of "citizen police" and start training the public through regular dialogue.
Battling terror is a long and arduous task: the capability to prevent attacks has to be upgraded constantly, with the knowledge and acceptance that not all attacks can be prevented. Even with our present system there are many attacks that get aborted.
But when intelligence is inadequate and follow-ups incomplete, indiscriminate arrests follow which lead to further alienation.
Heightened intelligence capability, sustained and built over a period of time, which is able to keep pace with the growing threat, skillful investigation and forensics, particularly at the state level, sharing intelligence, national identity cards, CCTVs at important places, speedy justice which is also seen to be fair, a system of governance that delivers what it is supposed to and a media that does not compete for TRP ratings over such issues: All this and more will have to be put in place for us to succeed.

We must get ready to detect, deter and destroy this menace before it destroys us.

In India, secularism is interpreted as tolerance towards Islamic extremism. No other country, including Islamic states, has such a weak response to violence by extremists. The terrorists know that they can manipulate politicians whose only concern is electoral victory. We need not be surprised if the so-called "secularists" make a deal with the terrorists for winning elections.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tarnishing Democracy...........!!!

Money played a major role during the trust vote of July 22 as is evident from various news reports. If people with a criminal background continue to be given power as MPs or ministers, I fear that democracy in India will soon breathe its last breath. Such people should not be allowed to Vote, leave aside the idea of contesting the elections.

‘Cash for vote’ is a new chapter in Indian Parliament’s history, following the ‘cash for questions’ section. Of course, in politics, as everywhere else, only winning matters.

Money and politics are inextricably linked, and not just in India but everywhere in the world. Despite loud protests against the use of money to buy votes and remain in power, the truth is that this is not new to us. In our country the quickest and surest way to become rich has always been to join politics. A lot of noise was made in the Parliament over the alleged inducements offered to some MPs to abstain or switch sides during the voting. But we all know that the protesting parties are no better than the ones in power.

The more you read and observe politics, the more you are convinced that each party is worse than the other. It’s just that the party that is out of power seems better. Truth is strictly optional in politics.

One by-product of this episode has been that most parties have gone on an expulsion spree. All MPs who did not toe the official line, including the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, have been expelled. We would all welcome the day when these parties show the same level of concern when allegations of corruption are made against their MPs by the common man.

If the ‘vote for cash’ case can lead to attempts at cleaning the system, it would all be worth it. But as matters stand, people have very low expectations about the integrity and commitment of politicians. And most believe that all political parties, if put in a similar situation, would resort to the same tactics. This is truly tragic for our country. Our Parliamentarians should remember that a nation derives its the strength from the integrity of its leaders and government. And integrity is not conditional. It does not change with the changing political conditions.

Even when our Parliamentarians do take some action and frame laws, they do so without consulting those who are affected or those charged with the duty of enforcing the law, i.e. the judiciary and the police.

"The present criminal justice system has totally collapsed and is not acting as a deterrent for criminals... With the rate of conviction on criminal offences being low, there is very less risk factor for a person committing an offence. A national survey shows the conviction rate around seven per cent. Ninety-three per cent of people get acquitted, resulting in criminals moving in the society without any stigma."

Transparency International has ranked India at 72nd position among 180 countries in corruption. The report states: "Maximum corruption takes place during government procurements. For example, when the government buys wheat or arms, or when Public Sector Units (PSUs) procure material."

Terror Groups...............!!!

When terror gives notice, how should India react? ...................In India, secularism is interpreted as tolerance towards Islamic extremism. No other country, including Islamic states, has such a weak response to violence by extremists. The terrorists know that they can manipulate politicians whose only concern is electoral victory. We need not be surprised if the so-called "secularists" make a deal with the terrorists for winning elections.The Supreme Court's decision to put a stay on the special tribunal order lifting restrictions on Simi has come as a relief.Simi's track record in terms of confessions by its arrested activists in the past as to what their long term plans were, intercepted communication messages, the propaganda material in their computers, the documents as well as the arms and ammunition seized from the activists' hideouts from time to time, provide enough proof to sustain the ban.Unfortunately, in India we talk a lot about policies and strategies but fail when it comes to taking action. In the prevailing confusion and lack of a coherent strategy on terror — both by the Centre and the state — terrorism goes on unabated.

In addition to terrorism, we seem to have become complacent about other big threats, like Naxalism, which is spreading its tentacles. All political parties should rise above petty politics and jointly address the growing menace of terrorism and hate-mongering.

We want effective action in areas such as price rise, terrorism, healthcare, education, drinking water and employment.What is needed is the same zeal on the part of the government in seeking cooperation as it demonstrated in favour of the nuclear deal.

Plz start thinking above the Vote Politics or else It won't take much before India turns into another Russia.

Viable Solution...................!!!

The escalating violence in Jammu in response to the land transfer controversy needs immediate attention before it escalates into a communal inferno.While the decision to transfer the land had provided much-needed fodder to secessionist forces in the Valley, the decision to revoke the earlier decision also provided the rightwing parties the fuel to whip up communal sentiments. What is alarming is the failure of the government to gauge the mood of the people on both sides of the communal fence. Having decided, the state government ought to have displayed the courage of conviction to stand by its decision. Now, It seems too late for the state/central to get its act together and to find a solution........ I once again reiterate my strong belief that only the Civil societies can reach to an acceptable solution or atleat a way out from the current Chaos...........!!!

The Killer Parents.................!!!

The Bombay high court's decision to reject the petition of the couple Niketa and Harish Mehta to terminate pregnancy deserves appreciation.The doctors say the child might suffer from heart problems in the future. Even if it is true, does that take away one's right to life? How can parents seek the court's permission to kill their own child? This is not mercy but the summit of callousness. Take the example of British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawkings, who suffers from a type of motor neurone disease. It never came in the way of his success. The only thing required for a successful life is will power and it is the duty of the parents to encourage the child.


The Bangladeshi-origin writer now forced to hold a Swedish passport due to cultural intolerance in the land of her birth, is back in India after a forced sojourn in Europe. Will her return to this country after five months once again throw the authorities in New Delhi and Kolkata into confusion and despair, as it had done not very long ago? Ms Nasreen’s experience of life in this country might have by now provided her with a true measure of the worth of India’s much-vaunted liberal values and its love of creativity and freedom. And yet she did not hesitate to return. Perhaps her oft-repeated articulation of the desire to live in Kolkata — the nearest thing to living in Dhaka in terms of linguistic and ethnic affinity, and the place she now wants to call home — is no sham.
Taslima Nasreen had left Bangladesh all those years ago after her writings, exposing the hypocrisies of the feudalistic and male-dominated clericalism in Islam, brought upon her the wrath of vested interests in a society where the religious and secular establishment work in tandem. In effect, she had to flee for her life.
Cracking under the pressure of votebank politics, the leading party of the Indian Left — to the chagrin of some of its allies — met that demand and on that day failed to live up to its espousal of secular values in the public space.
Her return must be giving sleepless nights to the Left leaders of West Bengal as she is back in India after Sweden exile. They must be getting panic attacks as Ms Nasreen's visa will expire on August 12. If she returns to Kolkata, then there are chances of protests against her. But I fail to comprehend why the Marxist leaders are scared of taking a stand. The West Bengal government is unable to control violent protests,and doesn't seems to be in any mood to take a stand.
All it can do is to send Ms Nasreen to an undisclosed location. The only permanent solution to this problem is that the Union government grant Ms Nasreen indian citizenship.........

Hopes of Billion come alive....................!!!

Abhinav Bindra bagged India's first individual gold medal in Olympic history, in the men's 10-metre air rifle event, at the Beijing Olympics .This is the finest moment in Indian sports and should be savoured. Abhinav Bindra has proved that Indians have the capability to achieve their goals. This magnificent win will act as a catalyst and inspire other sportsmen to hone their skills.The nation is proud of Abhinav. I hope Abhinav's performance not only inspires, thousands of youngsters but also boosts the morale of those sportsmen who are still fighting for the country's honour at the Beijing Olympics.........

My land is Bleeding..........!!!

The Kashmir Valley is now ruled by separatists and hardliners because of opportunistic political parties and the appeasement policy of successive governments at the Centre. Jammu has been burning for over a month in reaction to the cancellation of the land transfer to the Amarnath shrine board. Opportunistic political parties like the PDP and the National Conference, instead of taking the rioters to task, cancelled the allotment. Why did the Centre yield to their pressure?..................The separatist leaders are behaving as though Pakistan will welcome them. They are unaware of the fact that those who had migrated to Pakistan from India decades ago are still referred to as Muhajirs. The grass that appears greener to them on the other side of the LoC is nothing but a mirage. It is a futile exercise. These leaders should channelise their energy in helping the Centre defuse the Amarnath crisis...............It's time that the volatile issue of land transfer to the Amarnath Shrine Board is brought to an end in the larger interest of the country. Politicians have already played there part and there untimely/unwisely/vote oriented interference is going to flare up the issue any further. I think now it is up to Civil society of all hues join hands to put an end to it as the situation is getting out of control and separatists can take advantage of it, which can lead to the disintegration of the state. Unity, not divisiveness, must prevail in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.....!

ISI and Myth.............!!!

Pakistan's ISI is a "state within a state". The ISI is under the delusion that it is serving "Pakistan's foreign policy objectives" by giving support to terrorist organisations. At a time when both India and Pakistan were making the right noises about promoting peace in the entire region there came the terrible news of the terrorist bombing at the Indian embassy in Kabul. Pakistan Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani vociferously denied Pakistan's involvement in the incident although the American CIA had gathered evidence to the contrary. Kashmir is Flaring again and all the credit goes to the proxy war policies of's now at the crossroads of history. The leadership of Pakistan should do something to restore the country's image else it will soon be termed a "failed country"...........

Gandhi and Company.,,,.!!!

It is surprising that when all countries, mighty and tiny, were represented by their heads of state or government or official representatives at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing, UPA chairman Sonia Gandhi & her family represented India. The invitation to Mrs Sonia Gandhi can only be construed as an invitation to a celebrity. India is participating in the Olympics and as per the official protocol, the invitation should have gone to either Prime Minister Mr.Manmohan Singh or President Smt.Pratibha Patil, and not Mrs Sonia Gandhi & Company. For how long, will they continue to dwell on the resources of Bharat.
Vote bank politics has put the country to flares in it's length and breadth and these petty Politicians are enjoying the full State honors.
Is there any way to ward off these PARASITES from the fare face of India. There single leap is costing a lot to the Taxpayer and in return they are communalizing/dividing the country for there sheer existence.Let's throw them off.

KUDOS ........ the indian Politicians.............!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sunehri Yaadein............!!!

Yaadein ........Jane kahan gaye woh din.........

When Gulli-Danda & Kanche (marbles) were more popular than

cricket. When we always had friends to play aais-paais (I Spy,)chhepan-chhepai

& pitthoo Garam anytime ...
When we desperately waited for "Yeh Jo Hai
(Doordarshan serial)
When chitrahaar, vikram-baitaal, Dada Daadi Ki Kahaniyaan
were so fulfilling.
When there was just one Tv in every five houses and...
Bisleris were not sold in the trains and we were worrying if papas
will get back
into the train in time or not when they were getting down at
stations to fill up
the water bottle ...
When we were going to bed by 9.00pm sharp except for the
"Yeh Jo Hai Jindagi" day
When Holis & Diwalis meant mostly hand-made pakwaans and
sweets and moms seeking our help while preparing them ...
When Maths teachers
were not worried of our Mummies and papas while slapping/beating
us ...
we were exchanging comics and stamps and Chacha-Chaudaris &
Billus were our heroes ...
When we were
in Nanihaals every summer and
loved flying kites and plucking and eating unripe mangoes and
When one movie every Sunday evening on television was more
than asked for
and "ek do teen chaar" and
"Rajani" inspired us ...
50 paisa meant at least 10 toffees ...
When left over pages of the last years
notebooks were used for rough work or even fair work ...
When "Chelpark" and "Natraaj" were encouraged against
& family" ...
When the first rain meant getting drenched and
playing in water and mud and making "kaagaj ki kishtis" ...
When there were
no phones to tell friends that we will be at their homes at six in
the evening
When our parents always had 15 paise blue colored "Antardesis"
and 5 paise machli wale stamps
at home ...
When we remembered tens of jokes and were not finding "ice-
& papa" type jokes foolish enough to stop us from laughing ...
When we
were not seeing patakhes on
Diwalis and gulaals on
Holis as air and noise polluting or
allergic agents ...
The list
can be endless ...
On the serious note I would like to
summarize with ...
When we were using our hearts more than our brains, even
for scientifically brainy activities like "thinking" and "deciding" ...
we were crying and laughing more often, more
openly and more sincerely
When we were enjoying our
present more than worrying about our future
When being emotional was not synonymous to being weak ...
When sharing
worries and happiness didn"t mean getting vulnerable to the
listener ...
blacks and whites were the favorite colors instead of greys ...
When journeys
also were important and not just the destinations ...
When life was a
passenger"s sleeper giving enough time and opportunity to enjoy
the sceneries
from its open and transparent glass windows instead of some super
fast"s second
ac with its curtained, closed and dark windows ...
I really miss them(From the bottom of my heart) .. don"t u?

Paani Paani re......................!!!



It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:

Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.

1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water .....interesting

2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes

3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.

4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours

5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.

6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life. The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/ reduce main diseases:

1. High Blood Pressure - 30 days
2. Gastric - 10 days
3. Diabetes - 30 days
4. Constipation - 10 days
5.. Cancer - 180 days
6. TB - 90 days

7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards - daily.

This treatment has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.

It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life.
Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.

This makes sense.. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals .not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.

It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed . It will slow down the digestion.

Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.