Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Voting for PEACE................!!!

The huge voter turnout shows that the people of the Kashmir Valley are fed up with insurgency and want peace to return.Elsewhere in the state,the commitment of the six polling staff and the enthusiasm of the six registered voters in Thugsey Gompa,who braved temperatures of -20 Celsius, is commendable.The nation salutes them.The election has been absolutely free and fair.When the new state government is formed, it must be mindful of the trust of the people and respect their disapproval of terrorism and insurgency.
Whatever the outcome of the polls in J&K, the electorate has ignored the call of the separatists to boycott elections. The 64 per cent (Huge 64% turnout on Kashmir Day 1)polling has shown that separatist leaders have no base and should not be given undue importance.The marked increase in voter turnout shows that,like in the case of militancy in Punjab in the past,the people are fed up with empty rhetoric and yearn for development.Kashmiris,who have taken the bus ride across the LoC must have convinced them that they are better off than their relatives in PoK.

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