Monday, December 8, 2008 Eyewash..........!!!

The present political reshuffle is nothing but a charade and a damage control exercise. Political leaders of all hues have failed us miserably and misused the trust placed in them.As a class they have enriched themselves and set in motion debasing practices of corruption and nepotism.Archaic laws are retained, implementation is selective,chronic delays are the norm,and the political masters lead ostentatious lives while large numbers live in sub-human conditions.There is an absence of accountability in the bureaucracy.A mechanism to conform to the people’s mandate is the need of the hour. We need to seek and find leaders of quality who can deliver the goods and regain lost ground.
Kiran Bedi,in one of the interviews has correctly identified the reasons for the collective paralysis of the police department,which is enslaved by the politicians. The security provided,at public cost to eminently undeserving politicians,some with criminal backgrounds and court cases pending against them, is an example of the gross misuse of the security apparatus.

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