Monday, December 15, 2008

Please strengthen the Indian Defence Forces......!!!

With Islamabad’s refusal to part with the "kingpins" of the terror outfits,military action cannot be ruled out.In such a situation,we need to strengthen our armed forces,under a single adviser to the government on all military matters with total accountability.At least now our political leaders should understand that such a system is imperative to evolve joint combat doctrines and to maintain harmony between the Army,Navy and Air Force,along with other paramilitary forces.
The 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks have shown that only highly motivated men in uniform would be able to save us from the enemy.As such,not removing pinpricks introduced so maliciously in the Sixth Pay Commission would only result in frustration growing among defence personnel.The fallout of the working relationship between the armed forces and paramilitary destabilised by the anomalies in the pay panel report is already evident in our operational efficiency.

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