Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Goverment Ruined AIR INDIA.............!

Air India is reportedly incurring huge losses per day.Its present dismal state is a fine example of how a professionally and efficiently managed company could be ruined by the government by bringing it under its control.No doubt,there may be other extraneous factors that have contributed to Air India nose-diving to this precarious level.However,it has certainly laid bare the government’s incapability to run an international airline with the kind of business acumen essential in one of the most competitive fields.A glance at how its founder J.R.D. Tata assiduously nurtured Air India’s growth to make it one of the world’s highly rated airlines would suffice. Since its nationalisation, the government,with its apparent sluggishness over the years, has made Air India an albatross around its neck.If by this the government believes it will regain Air India’s lost glory,it is only a delusion for its work culture is the same.

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