Saturday, November 29, 2008

Let's Stratergise our Approach......!!!

The counter-terrorism operations in Mumbai have now been successfully completed.But this success came at a heavy cost, both in terms of loss of precious lives and destruction of infrastructure. The real loss though is the image of our country.However, people across the nation want answers to important questions, including whether we have a strategy for tackling terrorism. This terrorist attack, in a long series of such attacks at different places, is the worst the country has faced in terms of any parameter.

The leadership appears to have such a myopic outlook that its continues to view terrorism as a law and order problem, when it is actually a form of warfare.

Why are we so helpless and devoid of imagination? The reason is that we have been unable to get our act together and we are dealing with this major menace in a fractured and uncoordinated manner. I am afraid this will not do. The overwhelming need is to formulate a comprehensive plan to deal effectively with terrorism.So far, neither the political leadership, nor the Opposition parties, nor even the emergency core group or concerned bureaucrats have even hinted at a discernable plan for fighting terrorism. All the government is talking about is further strengthening laws, which is just one small aspect of the totality of actions that need to be taken.

So, what do we do? I propose a four-pronged approach.............
Firstly and most importantly, it is imperative to set up a unified command, which is fully autonomous and headed by only one person or entity.

Secondly, the key to unravelling terrorists and their nefarious activities is a very high level of relevant and actionable intelligence, which would enable the police and other security forces to nab the terrorists before they commit dastardly acts. This needs a high degree of expertise; technical back-up; dedicated and fearless individuals, who can penetrate terrorist cells; funding; sharing of information as it is available; complete independence of action; no interference by political leaders and bureaucrats with their own agendas; and many other related actions.

Thirdly, immediate strengthening of the police forces in all states, as well as the Central police forces.

Lastly, there is a need for our political leadership neither to appease any community or group, nor to spread the ideology of hate, particularly through inflaming religious sentiments and class and caste distinctions. This squarely falls in the realm of the government and the political parties.

None of these are unachievable, provided there is a will, centralised authority, accountability and an understanding of the magnitude of the task.

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