Saturday, November 22, 2008

Don’t doubt the army

Though fundamentalism in Hindu society is a later development than in Muslim and Christian societies, now India has a plethora of extremist Hindu organisations like Abhinav Bharat, RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal. For them violence is a means to an end. The rise of Hindu fundamentalism will result in the total breakdown of our security. What we have seen in Malegaon on September 29 may be a harbinger of fragmentation. The penetration of such "radical religious political parties" into our security forces is a nightmare. However, the recently revealed involvement of Lt. Col Purohit along with a few retired officers should be treated as a mere aberration. The Indian Army is very much apolitical, secular and, above all, highly professional. Let us not overplay this development to defame the "world's best Army". Our Army has its own in-built mechanism to check against rogue elements.

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