Friday, October 31, 2008


The widespread violence, terrorist activities and rise of the Naxals and other forces clearly show that the present Central government is weak and our home minister, Shivraj Patil, the weakest home minister ever. The article on Sardar Patel by Jagmohan (Salute to Sardar Patel: Rebel and statesman, October 31) shows the glaring difference between Patel, India's strongest ever home minister, and the present incumbent. The rise of sectarian and parochial forces is cause for serious concern. The real problem is that defeated from Latur in Maharashtra in the last Lok Sabha election, Patil lacks the moral and political authority to control the situation and can do little other than condemn heinous acts. When will the Centre awake?
Every inhumane act of injuring and killing, that damages the social fabric and disturbs peace and harmony in the nation, brings us shame. Let us pray for the bereaved families of those who lost their lives in the incident and hope that communal harmony and peace will be maintained not only in the Northeast, but also in every part of India.
A docile Prime Minister, a soft state, a napping home ministry, an ineffective intelligence department, a lethargic state government, a clueless police, vote-bank politics, bickering politicians and, finally, a bleeding nation. This is the state of affairs in our country, which is pitted against an intelligent, omnipresent terror network. Why blame other nations? It is our inefficiency in suppressing terror networks, which operate with nonchalance. Every leader condemns terrorism and issues statements. But nobody does anything about it.

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